Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm more than just a "sports blogger."

The race to represent District 13 took another interesting turn this week as I learned that another contender has entered the race. You can read more about it here, although I take issue with this paragraph:
Kyle Lobner, 29, a sports blogger, will seek to fill the north side District 13 seat, along with retired police administrative service manager Pamela Holdorf, 57.
I'm frustrated by this choice of words because I've worked for years to establish myself as more than just a "blogger." Fair or unfair, blogger is the blanket term people use to describe someone who writes on the internet and it typically carries a negative connotation. "Blogger" may describe anyone from a guy who's posted twice on a Wordpress site to people who run some of the largest websites on Earth.

I've been the managing editor of Brew Crew Ball for four years now. I manage a team of ten contributors (and we're adding more soon), produce daily, around the year coverage of the Milwaukee Brewers and am frequently called upon to serve as a Brewers expert on radio shows across the state and nation. Take a look at the site, if you haven't. It's not an amateur endeavor.

With that said, I'm looking forward to the challenge of running a contested race. The voters win when people are willing to compete for the right to represent them, and I think they've got two great candidates to choose from this year.

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